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Sedimentary rock can be changed into igneous rock by undergoing melting and then solidification. At a subduction zone (at a convergent plate boundary, where one plate slides beneath another), layers of sedimentary rock will be assimilated into the mantle. Some areas may undergo enough heating to actually melt, especially if there is water or carbon dioxide trapped in the rock. If this rock later makes it to the surface and cools, it will become an igneous rock. Another area where sedimentary rock could be changed into igneous rock is on the interior of a composite volcano -- The heat and force of the magma could break off chunks of volcanic welded tuff, causing it to melt. If the volcano then erupts, the former sedimentary rock would be incorporated into the lava and solidify into igneous rock.

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13y ago
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14y ago

When rocks (such as igneous rocks) undergo erosion, the rocks are broken down via chemical and physical weathering. These become sediments, like soil, or dust, etc. This sediment can then be solidified as a sedimentary rock.

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1mo ago

Igneous rocks can be weathered and eroded into sediment. The sediments are then transported, deposited, and lithified to form sedimentary rocks through processes like compaction and cementation. This transformation can occur over millions of years.

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14y ago

It doesn't. Sedimentary rock forms over a long period of time as sediment settles on the bottom of a river or other waterway, and the pressure on top becomes great enough to form rock. Igneous (meaning "born of fire") rock comes from molten magma inside the earth. Volcanoes spew the magma out as lava. When it hardens, it is igneous rock. Metamorphic rock is sedimentary or igneous rock that has changed due to shifts in the earth's crust. When the earth's crust moves, it causes rocks to get squeezed so hard that the heat causes the rock to change. Marble is an example of a sedimentary rock that has been changed into a metamorphic rock.

The only ways that sedimentary rock will form igneous rock are if the sedimentary rock shifts around enough that it is, basically, sucked into the molten core of the earth, or if you threw it into an active volcano. Either way it would have to come back out as lava and cool before it would be igneous rock.

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Q: How do igneous rock form to sedimentary rocks?
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Yes it can form an igneous rocks as because of pressure it may melt and form into igneous rocks.

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The three types of rocks in the rock cycle are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks form from molten rock cooling and solidifying. Sedimentary rocks form from the accumulation and compaction of sediments. Metamorphic rocks form from the alteration of existing rocks under high pressure and temperature.

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The three types of rocks involved in the rock cycle are igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks form from the solidification of molten magma, sedimentary rocks form from the deposition and lithification of sediments, and metamorphic rocks form from pre-existing rocks that are subjected to high heat and pressure.

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It's when parts of both igneous and metamorphic rocks are crushed together and then they form sedimentary rocks.

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Metamorphic rocks. With proper heat and pressure sedimentary and igneous rocks can form metamorphic rocks.

Are fossils an important component of igneous rock?

No, fossils are typically found in sedimentary rocks, not igneous rocks. Sedimentary rocks form from the accumulation and compaction of sediments, which can preserve fossils, while igneous rocks form from the cooling and solidification of molten rock, where fossils are usually destroyed.

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