

Best Answer

An insulator stops the flow of an electric current because it does not conduct electricity.

The conductivity of a substance depends on the electrons in orbit in its atoms. In copper you have only one electron in its outer-most orbit making is more conductive. If memory serves, aluminum has 2 electrons in its outer-most orbit. Non-conductive or insulation materials have more electrons in their outer-most orbits making them more stable and less conductive.

Another Answer

An insulator doesn't really 'stop the flow of current', it's more accurate to say that it cannot support the flow of current. This is because, compared with conductors, insulators have relatively-few charge carriers available to enable them to conduct.

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1w ago

Insulators slow the transfer of energy by limiting the movement of particles, such as molecules or electrons, that carry heat. These materials have a high resistance to heat flow due to their molecular structure, which inhibits the transfer of thermal energy through the material. This results in a slower rate of heat transfer compared to conductive materials.

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12y ago

Insulators like a coat trap or keep warm air close to your body and since the materials in your coat are bad conductors you lose energy slower.

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11y ago

matter such as metals, or water doesn't allow electrical currents to flow easily.

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Q: How do insulators slow the transfer of energy?
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Describe how an insulator can slow a transfer of energy?

Insulators slow the transfer of energy by limiting the movement of heat or electricity through their structure. Their high resistance prevents the flow of energy, thereby reducing the speed at which it can transfer from one medium to another. This property makes insulators effective in maintaining temperature gradients or preventing electrical currents from dissipating.

How do insulators slow down heat transfer?

Insulators slow down heat transfer by reducing the movement of heat energy through a material. They have low thermal conductivity, meaning they are not good conductors of heat. This limits the transfer of heat from one side of the insulator to the other.

Why are insulators poor conductors of heat?

Insulators are poor conductors of heat because they have a low thermal conductivity, meaning they are not able to efficiently transfer heat. This is because insulators have a high number of tightly bound electrons that do not move easily to carry thermal energy. Additionally, insulators have a molecular structure that does not allow for the easy transfer of heat energy through them.

How does different materials of insulators affect temperature change?

Different materials have varying thermal conductivity properties, which affect how quickly they transfer heat. Good insulators like Styrofoam or fiberglass slow down heat transfer, reducing temperature change. Poor insulators like metal or glass allow heat to transfer quickly, leading to more significant temperature changes.

Does a conductor transfer energy easily?

Yes, conductors transfer energy easily because they have free electrons that can move freely in response to an electric field. This allows for the efficient transfer of energy through the material.

Related questions

Describe how an insulator can slow a transfer of energy?

Insulators slow the transfer of energy by limiting the movement of heat or electricity through their structure. Their high resistance prevents the flow of energy, thereby reducing the speed at which it can transfer from one medium to another. This property makes insulators effective in maintaining temperature gradients or preventing electrical currents from dissipating.

How do insulators slow down heat transfer?

Insulators slow down heat transfer by reducing the movement of heat energy through a material. They have low thermal conductivity, meaning they are not good conductors of heat. This limits the transfer of heat from one side of the insulator to the other.

Does not transfer thermal energy?

Thermodynamic Insulators

What does not transfer thermal energy?

Thermodynamic Insulators

What are insalatars?

Insulators [spelling] slow the flow of energy, either heat of electric.

Why are insulators poor conductors of heat?

Insulators are poor conductors of heat because they have a low thermal conductivity, meaning they are not able to efficiently transfer heat. This is because insulators have a high number of tightly bound electrons that do not move easily to carry thermal energy. Additionally, insulators have a molecular structure that does not allow for the easy transfer of heat energy through them.

Does a conductor transfer energy easily?

Yes, conductors transfer energy easily because they have free electrons that can move freely in response to an electric field. This allows for the efficient transfer of energy through the material.

What are heat conductors and heat insulators?

Heat conductors are materials that easily transfer heat energy, such as metals. Heat insulators are materials that inhibit the transfer of heat energy, such as wood or ceramic. Conductors have high thermal conductivity while insulators have low thermal conductivity.

Why are insulators important in conserving energy?

because insulators are protection for energy

How does energy transfer?

hot to cold, fast to slow, high to low.

Does aluminum conduct cold faster than glass?

Aluminum is a conductor and glass is an insulator. Conductors allow the flow of energy transfer, but insulators block this transfer of energy. So by definition, Yes, aluminum conducts cold or heat(energy) transfer faster than glass.

Why are liquids and gases good insulators?

Liquids and gases are good insulators because their molecules are spaced farther apart compared to solids, reducing the transfer of heat energy through conduction. Furthermore, liquids and gases have low thermal conductivity, meaning they do not transfer heat as easily as solids. This makes them effective insulators against heat loss or gain.