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They don't. There are several myths saying tornadoes jump over rivers or cant go on mountains. The fact, is that nearly all tornadoes extend to near the stratosphere, and are taller than mount everest. They have been recorded going across mountains with ease, hitting cities, skirting across rivers and lakes, even one in miami that went through the city then into the ocean.

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Q: How do land forms affect tornado travel?
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What a tornado looks like?

A waterspout it a tornado that forms on a body of water. It looks like a land formed tornado but on a smaller scale.

A funnel shapped windstorm that forms over land is called?

Such a windstorm is called a tornado.

How long will it take a tornado to travel over a land?

Each tornado has it's own speed. Some move slow and others move super fast!

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The land will be flatend and plants such as trees will be crushed.

How do land forms and bodies of water affect peoples way of life?

Land forms and bodies of water profoundly affect the development of human societies by determine food and water source, opportunities for construction, weather, and natural threats. They also determine how close other societies are and how easily a community can travel to and trade with other societies.

What storm forms in midwestern U.S. tornado or hurricane?

Tornadoes form in the Midwest. Hurricanes can't form over land.

Can a tornado change a land forms?

Not really. The very strongest tornadoes can somtimes scour away soil, but not more than that.

What is a tornado on water called not waterspouts?

Waterspout is the correct term. If a tornado forms on water by the same mechanisms that it would form on land (i.e. from the mesocyclone of a supercell) it is called a tornadic waterspout.

How do tornadoes affect land forms?

Tornadoes do not have a significant effect on land forms. Tornadoes can destroy vegetation and man-made structures but the ground itself is usually not affected beyond trees being uprooted. However, in extreme cases a very violent tornado may strip away a foot or so of soil along the most intense portions of the damage path.

How do land forms change after tornado?

Tornadoes have almost no effect on landforms. In extreme cases an exceptionally violent tornado may strip away a foot or two of soil, but that is the most you will see happen.

What my geographers study to learn how to land forms and affect the culture of an area?


What effect does a tornado pattern have on land and people in it's path?

People die in tornado's and when a tornado is on land it changes colour.