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They have a hard shell on the outside of their body which is the exoskeleton. It eats only at night as it is the safest time to be about. I hope I was of help, Essondon xox

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Q: What does the limpet do when the tide goes out to defend itself?
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Related questions

What are limpet's habits?

Limpets live on the high tide zone on the rocks.

How is a limpet adapted to cope with these problems?

It has a sticky liquid that makes it attached to the rock.

What regularly goes in and out?

The tide regularly goes in and out.

Where does the periwinkle hide when the tide goes out?

it stays by using its slimy slime to stick on the rocks after the tide goes out

How do tide pools form?

When the tide goes out, some of the water is left behind. It is trapped in between the rocks. That forms a tide pool.

What is the The tide rises the tide falls about?

the death of a person and the way life and nature goes on afterwards.

When was Tide Free invented?

It goes back to the summer of 1992. Before that, it was called unscented Tide (both powder and liquid) and that goes back to 1984.

What do Limpets do differently when the tide is in and when the tide is out?

limpets can die when the tide goes out as the waters not around them.

When does a flood tide occur?

'Flood tide' is the expression used for the incoming, or rising tide. The opposite is 'Ebb tide' when it goes back out again. You would have to refer to the tide tables, for the day, in your area of interest. Flood tide is the time between low tide and the next high tide.

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What happened at high tide?

the water goes up

What is The least difference between high and low tide occurs?

On a spring tide, the sea comes high up the beach and then goes low down the beach. A neap tide goes high and low between the range of a spring tide (half way up and half way down the beach).