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Not only magnets, but metal repel. There are two kinds of charges that metal contain, positive and negative. If you push a positively-charged magnet towards another positively-charged magnet, they'll repel, maybe because one type of charge needs the other to attract. If this one type of charge comes close to another charge of the same kind, it won't receive what it needs, and feel "resent" to the other charge, then repel. If you push a negatively-charged magnet towards another negatively-charged magnet, they will also repel.

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11y ago

The poles of magnets with the same polarity will repel each other (for example 2 positive poles).

From a standpoint of charges, similar charges will repel each other. From the standpoint of magnetic fields, the two fields around similar poles are flowing in the opposite directions, and will either force each other away or will spin one magnet around so that the two fields become aligned (pulls + pole to - or vice versa).

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12y ago

to make a magnet repel a metal, one must first understand the properties of a magnet. A magnet has two poles, a north pole and a south pole. When magnets are placed near each other, opposite poles attract and like poles repel one another. When a metal enters a magnetic field, all of the electrons inside the metal "line up," causing a temporary magnetic alignment that is attracted to the magnet (the pole doesn't matter). That alignment dissipates once the magnetic field is removed and therefore, the only way for a metal to be repelled by a magnet is if it's first magnetized to the opposite pole.

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11y ago

The repulsion or attraction of magnets is one of the four fundamental forces of nature and is called the electromagnetic force. It is a vital part of the very fabric of our universe. A deeper understanding requires a study of Special Relativity and Quantum Electrodynamics. Magnetism itself may be thought of as the spin axis of the electrons in the atoms of the magnet all pointing in the same direction, giving rise to a stable magnetic field around the magnet. The presence of this magnetic field can be demonstrated by putting a magnet (or magnets) under a sheet of paper and sprinkling some iron filings on top.

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13y ago

Like poles (south-south or north-north) of magnets repel while opposite poles (north-south) attract.

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12y ago

Same poles of magnet repel each other because the magnetic field associtated with them are opposite when they are brought close to each other.

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7y ago

Magnet attract if opposite poles and magnet repelif same poles.

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12y ago

Turn one of them around so that the other

end of it points at the other magnet.

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because of negatively charged electrons

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Q: How do magnets attract and repel each other?
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If you put the north and the south poles of two magnets together they will attract each other. By, Fatema Aftab

What causes magnets to attract each other and repel each other?

Because of its magnetic field around a magnet North and South attract but North and North repel

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north pole and south pole attract + south pole and north pole attract because opposites attract. two magnets repel each other when the same poles are pulling together. for example, north pole + north pole repel because they are the same.

What happens when 2 south pole touch each other?

Two south poles on two magnets will repel each other. A north and a south pole on two magnets will attract each other.

Can magnets attract and repel other magnets?

Magnets are very much attracted to each other. Magnets have at least two poles: North and South. North poles attract South, and vice-versa. A simple mnemonic to remember this rule is "Opposites attract."

Can magnets repel and attract other magnets?

Magnets are very much attracted to each other. Magnets have at least two poles: North and South. North poles attract South, and vice-versa. A simple mnemonic to remember this rule is "Opposites attract."

What does attract mean in sciencs?

It means how two things attract to each other. Such as the North and South pole of two magnets

When do magnets attract?

Magnets attract when the south side of a magnet is facing towards the north side of another magnet. If the sides are both north or south the magnet will then repel. ( Opposites attract and Likes repel )

What happens when two opposite poles of magnets are brought to gether?

They push away from each other

Is it true that like or similar poles and two different magnets will attract to each other?

No, its opposite. Similar poles repel while dissimilar poles attract each other.

What are the property of magnets?

Opposite poles of magnets attract each other while like poles repel. So... North is attracted to South but two Norths repeal and two Souths repel. Magnets are also attracted to magnetic substances such as Iron and Nickel. Basically, magnets have two poles, they come in various shapes and attract/repel other magnets.

What happens when like poles of two magnets are bought close?

If they come end-to-end, they will either attract or repel depending on the polarity.If you bring the sides together, they often will slide to bring their ends + & - ends together.