

How do molecules use hydrogen bonds?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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Hydrogen bonds are weak electro-static forces of attraction between a highly electro-negative atom like F, O or N and Hydrogen of the same or different molecules.

when a hydrogen bond is formed within a molecule, it is called Intra-molecular Hydrogen bond and when it is formed between two separate molecules, it is called inter-molecular hydrogen bond.

hydrogen bond has a major role in determining various properties of a compound like the boiling point.

for example, water, which is expected to be a gas at room temperature, is a liquid due to the hydrogen bonds formed between the oxygen of one water molecule and the hydrogens of the other water molecules. a water molecule can form up to 4 hydrogen bonds and so, it requires more energy to change the state of water from liquid to gas, as all the hydrogen bonds are to be broken to change its state. :)

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