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Objects with the same charge repel each other, causing them to push away from each other. Objects with opposite charges attract each other, resulting in them being pulled together. This behavior is due to the interaction of electric fields surrounding the charged objects.

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Q: How do objects with the same charge behave differently then objects with opposite charges?
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How do objects with the same charge behave differently than objects with opposite charges?

Objects with the same charge repel each other, creating a force that pushes them apart. Conversely, objects with opposite charges attract each other, creating a force that pulls them together. This behavior is due to the electrostatic force, which is responsible for the interaction between charged objects.

How do objects with like charges behave if brought near each other?

Objects with like charges, such as two positively charged objects or two negatively charged objects, will repel each other. This is due to the electrostatic force of repulsion that arises between like charges. The objects will try to move away from each other in an attempt to minimize the repulsive force acting between them.

How do electrical charges behave?

Electrical charges can either attract or repel each other depending on their polarities. Like charges (positive-positive or negative-negative) repel each other, while opposite charges (positive-negative) attract. The strength of the attraction or repulsion is determined by the amount of charge and the distance between the charges.

How do objects with the same charge behave when they come close to one another?

Objects with the same charge will repel each other when they come close to one another due to the electrostatic force of repulsion between like charges. This is because like charges carry the same type of charge, either positive or negative, and thus there is a force that pushes them away from each other to minimize the energy of the system.

Why does a feather float when a metal sheet of the same size sinks?

Feathers have a low density due to their structure, causing them to be less dense than water and float. In contrast, metals like a sheet of metal have a higher density, so they sink in water. This difference in density is why the two objects behave differently in water.

Related questions

How do objects with the same charge behave differently than objects with opposite charges?

Objects with the same charge repel each other, creating a force that pushes them apart. Conversely, objects with opposite charges attract each other, creating a force that pulls them together. This behavior is due to the electrostatic force, which is responsible for the interaction between charged objects.

How do like charges behave unlike charges?

Like charges with repel one another, whereas opposite charges with attract.

How do neutral objects behave when placed near charged objects?

Neutral objects near charged objects will either be attracted or repelled depending on the charge of the nearby object. If the charged object is positive, neutral objects will be attracted towards it; if it is negative, neutral objects will be repelled. This is due to the redistribution of charges in the neutral object when it interacts with the charged object.

How do objects with like charges behave if brought near each other?

Objects with like charges, such as two positively charged objects or two negatively charged objects, will repel each other. This is due to the electrostatic force of repulsion that arises between like charges. The objects will try to move away from each other in an attempt to minimize the repulsive force acting between them.

How unlike charges behave?

unlike charges attract.

What is the oppostite of behave?

The opposite of behave is misbehave.

How do charges behave?

in the motion of the earthit can behave because the system of the earth

How do electrical charges behave?

Electrical charges can either attract or repel each other depending on their polarities. Like charges (positive-positive or negative-negative) repel each other, while opposite charges (positive-negative) attract. The strength of the attraction or repulsion is determined by the amount of charge and the distance between the charges.

What is the opposite of behave?

The opposite is to misbehave, or to disobey.Misbehave.

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it will still be the same

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