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The parakeets will lay their eggs in a nest that they build themselves. The parakeets will sit on the eggs until all have hatched. The eggs should hatch after 18 days.

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Q: How do parakeets take care their eggs?
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How do you stop a parakeet from having a baby?

I do not think you can. My parakeets had eggs and they did not hatch because she did not take care of them right. If they do have eggs you may take them away and sell them or kill them.

How do you take care of a parakeet?

This is an excellent website just on parakeets : It talks about how to care, breed, and train your parakeets.

What happens if your parakeets have eggs inside them?

Your goin to have baby parakeets ?? Obviously!

Do parakeets stink?

Not preferably, unless you don't take care of the bird or its cage.

How do parakeets get eggs?

The bird lays them.

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They lay eggs

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Parakeets will sometimes reject their eggs because of stress or if they believe their cage is not large enough. They may crack their own eggs or simply abandon them.

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Fertile eggs

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of course.just like ants take care of their eggs too. and the same way your parents took care of you when you were a young child.

Do parakeets give eggs?

yes they do because they are birds

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