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Q: How do particles move in a balloon?
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If you heat a ballo on do the gas particles move faster or slower?

When you heat a balloon, the gas particles inside it will move faster. This happens because the heat energy is transferred to the gas particles, causing them to gain kinetic energy and move around more rapidly.

What happens when you leve a balloon in the freezer over night nad what happens to the particles?

When you leave a balloon in the freezer overnight, the air inside the balloon cools down and contracts, causing the balloon to shrink. The particles in the air inside the balloon lose kinetic energy and move more slowly, resulting in a decrease in pressure and volume inside the balloon.

How does a balloon deflating slowly support the particle model?

As a balloon deflates slowly, the air particles inside the balloon move more slowly and with less force. This supports the particle model as it demonstrates how particles have energy and move randomly. The decrease in pressure and volume during deflation also aligns with the behavior of particles in the model.

Where are the particles of helium farthest apart in a tank or in a balloon?

The particles of helium are farthest apart in a balloon.

Why does a balloons change shape when squeeze it?

When you squeeze a balloon, you are applying pressure to the air inside it. This increased pressure causes the air molecules to move closer together, which changes the balloon's shape. Once you release the balloon, the air molecules move back to their original positions and the balloon returns to its original shape.

Related questions

How did the particles inside the balloon move?

The particles inside the balloon moved randomly due to the kinetic energy they possess. The temperature of the gas inside the balloon affects the speed at which the particles move. When the gas inside the balloon is heated, the particles move faster and spread out, causing the balloon to expand.

What happens to the speed of the particles inside an air-filled balloon if the temperature of the balloon increases?

The speed of the particles inside the air-filled balloon increases as the temperature increases. This is because higher temperatures provide more thermal energy to the particles, causing them to move faster.

How does heat affect the particles in a balloon?

Applying heat to a balloon increases the kinetic energy of the particles inside the balloon, making them move faster and collide more frequently with the walls of the balloon. This increase in collisions increases the pressure inside the balloon, causing it to expand.

What happends if you leave a balloon in the sun?

When you leave a balloon in the sun, it pops. this is caused by the particles inside the balloon absorbing energy from the sun, speeding up, and spreading farther apart. When the particles move farther apart, the volume increases and causes the balloon to pop.

If you heat a ballo on do the gas particles move faster or slower?

When you heat a balloon, the gas particles inside it will move faster. This happens because the heat energy is transferred to the gas particles, causing them to gain kinetic energy and move around more rapidly.

What happens when you leve a balloon in the freezer over night nad what happens to the particles?

When you leave a balloon in the freezer overnight, the air inside the balloon cools down and contracts, causing the balloon to shrink. The particles in the air inside the balloon lose kinetic energy and move more slowly, resulting in a decrease in pressure and volume inside the balloon.

How does a balloon deflating slowly support the particle model?

As a balloon deflates slowly, the air particles inside the balloon move more slowly and with less force. This supports the particle model as it demonstrates how particles have energy and move randomly. The decrease in pressure and volume during deflation also aligns with the behavior of particles in the model.

What negatively charged particles move easily through materials?

An insulator

Why does a balloon full of air get bigger when put in a hot oven?

Because when the particles move faster then you see it expanding.

Why does a balloon deflate when cooled?

When a balloon is cooled, the gas particles inside lose kinetic energy and move more slowly, causing the pressure inside the balloon to decrease. This lower pressure results in the balloon deflating as the gas molecules condense and take up less space.

What would happen to the volume of a balloon if it were submerged in hot water?

The volume of the balloon would increase when submerged in hot water because the heat causes the air particles inside the balloon to move faster and spread out, increasing the overall volume of the balloon.

Where are the particles of helium farthest apart in a tank or in a balloon?

The particles of helium are farthest apart in a balloon.