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Q: How do particles transfer through radiation?
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What is the transfer of heat through energy waves called?

Transfer of heat energy through energy waves is called radiation.

What is the transfer of energy as waves moving through space?

Energy transfer by waves or particles of light is called radiation.

Radiation is the only type of heat transfer that can occur?

Radiation is the only type of heat transfer that can occur through vacuum (space with no particles).

Radiation is the transfer of energy in the form of particles?

No! radiation is the transfer of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.

How does the transfer of energy in the radiative zone differ from the transfer of energy in the convective zone?

In the radiative zone, energy moves from atom to atom in the form of electromagnetic waves, or radiation. Energy produced in the core moves through this zone by convection, the transfer of energy by moving liquids or gases.

Type of heat transfer where heat energy is carried by particles?

radiation. the particles are known as quanta.

Witch method of transferring heat does not need particles?

Radiation does not need particles to transfer heat.

Is radiation the direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic?

It's the emission of electromagnetic energy from something, not the transfer. That em-radiation could travel for ever across the universe, never interacting with anything ever again and it would still be radiation.________________________________________________________Not all radiation is electromagnetic engery. Electromagnetic energy is transfered by way of photons. Photons are emited through gamma radiation and black body radiation. Nuclear decay of alpha particles and beta particles (which are also considered radiations) are actual particles that have mass, and are not electromagnetic radiation.

What are the 3 types of heat transfers?

the 3 types of heat transfer is conduction, convection, and radiation. conduction is when molecules transfer their heat to other molecules when they bump into each other. heat transfers through solids. metals are the best conductors. convection is when energy is transferred by the movement of energy from a hotter, less dense particle to a colder, denser particle. heat transfered through liquids and gases by circulating currents. these currents are called convection currents. radiation is when heat transferred through space. thermal energy is transferred in waves. heat radiation is also called infrared radiation. the sun sends its heat through radiation.

What happens to the motion of molecules when they are heated?

What kind of radiation? Remember, Beta radiation is particles (electrons)and Alpha radiation is Helium nuclei.Some radiation will transfer energy to particles ... which may speed them up,it may heat them,it may cause fluorescence.

Can heat travel without particles?

Yes, heat can transfer by the mode of radiation.

Why can heat travel through space by radiation but not by conduction or convection?

Because conduction and convection require particles to transfer heat. Space is a vacuum (has no particles in it) so convection and conduction cannot occur.