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As pedophiles are people with a sexual attraction to children, this question is too vague to answer as it is written. Sexual abusers, on the other hand, typically groom the child and the community before sexually abusing a child. Most sexual abuse is perpetrated by people trusted in the community with no criminal record.

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What is the purpose of the Perverted Justice Foundation?

Catching pedophiles, and getting them convicted. They save logs of certain chat sites and try to find pedophiles by doing that. Their work is extremely noble and legal.

Are gay men pedophiles?

The vast majority of gay men are not pedophiles, just as the vast majority of straight men are not pedophiles.

What do all pedophiles have in common?

They have pedophilia, as pedophiles are people with pedophilia. No joke.

What is pedophiles aroused by?

Pedophiles, having pedophilia, are attracted to prepubescent children, or children who have not yet reached puberty. Some pedophiles are only attracted to children, while others may also be attracted to other age groups or peers.

Is there a mandatory sentence in NH for pedophiles?

As pedophilia is not a crime, and pedophiles are people with pedophilia, there is no mandatory sentence for pedophiles in any state of the United States.

Are pedophiles legit?

There are people alive who are pedophiles. Pedophilia is a crime, a pedophile is a criminal.

What is the duration of Are All Men Pedophiles?

The duration of Are All Men Pedophiles? is 3120.0 seconds.

In the movie Running Scared what is the goblin thing in the pedophiles house?

The goblin thing is Oleg's deception of the pedophiles.

What is the fear of pedophiles?


What percentage of 150 million pedophiles are Catholic Clergy?

In the news, Pope Francis said that 2% of clergy are pedophiles.

Do pedophiles often come from families that already have one in it?

Pedophiles are people with pedophilia, and there is no correlation between family genetic markers and the development of pedophilia. So no, pedophiles do not typically have children who also develop pedophilia.

What percentage of pedophiles never get caught?

Pedophiles are people with pedophilia, which is not a crime.