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people that play a role in transporting water on Earth.

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Q: How do people and other living things use the water cycle?
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How do people and other living things get carbon?

people and other living things get carbon from the continuous exchange of carbon among living things (the carbon cycle).

What 3 things are a part of a natural cycle?

people, animals, cells and other micro organisms that dwell on living things

What is people's influence on other living things?

people can influence living things because we are living therefor other living things listen to our influence and stuff

Can a living thing or organism survive without other living things?

Long term, no. All living things are a part of the biosphere and the great cycle this encompasses. Without the other organisms that form part of this cycle, a living thing would eventually die.

How do living thing and non-living things interact with each other in a pond ecosystem?

living things interact with each through food. For example when a fish dies, it becomes a non-living thing and there are other organisms that are living and are eating the dead fish, so this is how living things interact with non-living things

What is the meaning of Oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle?

It is a cycle on how carbon dioxide is transformed into oxygen for animals and humans and other living things to breathe.

What chemicals flow in cycles from the nonliving environment to living things and back again?

Chemical processes cycle energy from the sun through living things in a process called photosynthesis. Only plants photosynthesize and they do this to make food for themselves and other organisms. They collect energy from the sun and use it, along with water and other nutrients by converting them to sugars.

How do the animals in this ecosystem depend on other living things to meet their basic needs?

animals use symbiosis and the life cycle to depend on eachother.

Why are cycles of matter important to living things?

Three reasons are: 1. The living things can be used for fertilizer. 2. They can help move nutrients to other living things, continuing the natural cycle. 3. When the living things die, others can decompose them, and the cycle will go on.

Is the rock cycle important to living organisms?

no. it is the other way around. living organisms are important to the rock cycle.

What is the importance of the protists to the survival of all living things?

Good source of food and many other things dealing with the different PHylum Kingdoms in the Cyrogenetic Life-Cycle.

Can living things from other living things through sexual or asexual reproduction?

living things come from other living things through either sexual or asexual reproduction