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The Sun's gravity pulls on the planets.

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Q: How do planets only orbit around the sun and not go everywhere in space?
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Related questions

How many ways do planets move?

they can orbit or rotate around in space

Where is the gravity in space?

The sun controls gravity in our solar system keeping the planets in orbit just as the earth keeps the moon in orbit. Depending on how close you are to a planet will determine whether the suns or that planets gravity will act upon you. Gravity is everywhere in space.

What is an orbit in outer space?

pathway that a celestial body follows. Planets, comets, asteroids orbit the Sun. Moons orbit their planets. The Solar System orbits the Galactic Center.It is the imaginary pathway that a body in space follows as it moves around another body. The earth and the other planets orbit the sun, and various moons orbit their host planets.

Name of the orbit around the sun?

The SHAPE of the orbit the Earth and most planets and other bodies of mass in space are usually elliptical.

Why planets hanging in space around sun?

because the stars gravity pulls them in and holds them in orbit

What will happen if planets do not follow their orbit around the sun?

planets will fall to the outer space ,they will collide with each other and they will melt or exploded

How are all of the planets kept in orbit around the sun?

all the planets stay in orbit around the sun because of the sun's gravitational pull. The high orbital speed that keeps the planets from falling all the way into the sun and since there is no friction in the vacuum of space , that speed dosen't slow down.

How does earth revolve in space?

the sun holds the planets in orbit.

What are the large objects in space that orbit a star such as the sun?

The answer is planets.

Why do planets continue to orbit around the sun?

The force of gravity keeps the planets in their orbits, and without it they would all go off in straight lines into interstellar space.

Why do the plantes orbit the sun?

why do the PLANETS orbit the sun? Because of gravity, the sun has loads of gravity so it holds all the planets in space.

Dose all the planets orbit the sun?

All the planets in our solar system orbit our sun. Recently other suns, far out in Space, have been discovered to have their own planets.