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Q: How do prices help us make decisions?
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Make ethical decisions

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It helps us make informed decisions.

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It gives us information. We can detect patterns and look for things we need to help us make decisions.

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Immigration decisions in the US fall under the scope of the federal government. The states do not have any authority in this area.

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the culture help us make decisions that we have never made before and when that happens it creates a biometric multitude

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Usually, they are cabinet members. There are now 15 cabinet members for the 15 departments. However the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the VP also help the president make decisions as well.

How does the statistical process help make informed decisions?

Because statistics tell us what the presents trends are now or were that can be projected into future.

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It is a visual representation of information. We use information to make decisions all the time.

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Love can help make moral decisions but it doesn't always. If u didn't love someone e.g an enemy, you would still help them if they were hurting or generally needed help. this is called unconditional love.....

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Our minds help us adapt to the world around us by processing sensory information, forming memories, and learning from experiences. This adaptability allows us to make decisions, solve problems, and adjust to changes in our environment to survive and thrive.