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Unplug the control unit by removing the fuses, or disconnecting the battery. After waiting a few seconds, reconnect the unit. Then turn the key to on. Wait 5 seconds, then press and hold program on the remote for 5 seconds. The door locks should cycle once. It only programs on the first key on after a power off reset, so if it doesn't work, you need to disconnect the battery and try again.

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Q: How do program the remote on a boa 265b remote start?
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Ground Out When Running means that the wire is grounded when the car is running from the remote start. When you put your key in and press the brake pedal, that line goes back to an Open Circuit (not grounded any more). It is typically used to start things like rear window defrosters, heated seats, heated mirrors when you use the remote to start your car. It could include anything that needs a button pressed and don't come on automatically according to the state they were left in when you turned the car off.

How do you program boa 165B remote starter?

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have ever pressed the "PROGRAM" button already (like when you realized it wouldn't work, but before you found these directions), you have to disconnect the car's battery to kill the power to the engine and START ALL OVER. Also, if the above sequence doesn't work out, disconnect the car's battery and try again. You might guess, if your car's battery dies (completely), you will have to reprogram your BOA 165-B just like new. Print these directions for future use--I wish I had!

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Boa pergunta... também não sei!

Where do you get a installation manual for a boa remote starter?

BOA is owned by Directed Electronics. Go here: to find an owners manual for your product.

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