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Q: How do rabbits and eagles get their energy?
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How do eagles depand on sunlight for their energy?

Because the sun grows plants, then the rabbits,rats etc depend the plant for food..the eagle depends on the rabbits,rats etc.. :D

What things that eat rabbits?

Sadly hawks and eagles :( poor rabbits

What types of rabbits do Eagles eat?

Tasty ones

Where does rabbits get their energy from?

Rabbits get their energy from food and sleep.

What eagles live in France?

Golden eagles live in France. These eagles are golden brown and have large wings. they prey on smaller mammals such as rabbits.

Do eagles eat bugs?

No..Eagles eat many smaller animals, like fish, rodents, and rabbits, ducks.

Which animals are the eagles prey?

That depends on the species of eagle. There are sea eagles that will prey on fish, eagles that will eat other birds but most commonly eagles eat small animals such as rabbits.

What do golden eagles feed on?

rabbits and large rodents,mostly.will scavenge carcasses.

What are bald eagles eat?

Bald eagles mostly eat rabbits, insects, and fish the bald eagle also eats smaller animals.

What is eagles favorite food?

A eagles favorite food is fish. They will eat rabbits, squirrels, other birds and probably anything else they can catch.

Do eagles fly or soar?

Eagles both fly and soar. Flying takes energy, soaring takes no energy.

What doe Eagles eat?

fish, mice, rats, rabbits, cats, other birds