

How do raccoons reproduce?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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8y ago

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Raccoons weight between 8 to 20 lbs. The largest on record was a whopping 72 lbs. but this was very unusual.

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8y ago

During the mating season, raccoon males restlessly roam their home ranges in search of females within the three- to four-day period when conception is possible. Copulation, which includes foreplay, can last over an hour and is repeated over several nights. Gestation usually lasts up to 63 to 65 days.

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8y ago

Only the female cares for the young. They nurse from her exclusively until they are 6-8 weeks old. At that time they follow the mother when she forages for food and are introduced to solid foods. They continue to nurse to a lesser extent until they are completely weaned by 16 weeks of age. They will remain with the mother until they are 6-12 months old.

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8y ago

Raccoons have like babys just like humans and other animals .

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They are born in the same way most every mammal is born. After developing in the mother's uterus they are born through the vagina.

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