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They use them to make new observations, that may result in the change of their theory.

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Q: How do scientist use models to test theories?
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Why do scientists models?

to help them classify the data of the object they are observing

How do scientists use models?

Models stepping in when theories are too complex to handle. Theories may be too complicated to handle. In such a case a simplified model may be employed that allows for a solution

What are political scientist uses political models to describe the political?

Political scientists use political models to simplify and explain complex political processes, relationships, and behaviors. These models help them make predictions, analyze data, and understand the impact of various factors on political outcomes. By using models, political scientists can develop theories and test hypotheses that contribute to a deeper understanding of politics.

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Political scientist use political models to describe what?

Political models are used to describe spectrum.

What do scientist use to represent a system or an object?

an observation

Why scientists might use models to represent Earths processes?

scientist use models to show or explain easier

How and why do scientist use models?

they use models to demonstrate to others. It gives them a better perspective of what they're learning.

Explain why scientists might use models to represent earth's processes?

why scientists use models to represent earths process