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Scientists don't know everything, nor do they claim to know everything.

There's a lot of compelling evidence to suggest that the dinosaurs were killed of by a massive meteorite impact.

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Q: How do scientists know everything but not how the dinosaurs died out?
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How do you know about dinosaurs and their habitats?

I know about dinosaurs and their habitats from reading about them. Scientists learn about dinosaurs and their habitats by studying fossils.

How many millian years ago when the dinosaurs extinct from the asteroid?

scientists don't know if an asteroid killed the dinosaurs it is just a guess the dinosaurs died 65 million years ago

How do scientists know that dinosaurs once roamed New Jersey?

Fossils and the fact that we were once Pangea and dinosaurs were everywhere

How do dinosaurs camouflage?

Scientists do not know much about dinosaur coloration. We only know the coloration of a few types of small, feathered dinosaurs, some of which had bright coloration.

Is there proof that dinosaurs existed?

There have been fossils, and skeletons from dinosaurs. Scientists don't know if they were called dinosaurs back then, but their name says almost everything about them. They are DINO, and SAURS.

Is there anything scientist do not know about the dinosaurs?

they are not sure how they died out

Do dinosaurs laugh?

yes of course they were living things and all living things laugh to show joy or fun. Another answer would be No , Dinosaurs are not alive today , although some scientists beleive some may be . If you meant DID Dinosaurs laugh , we will never know , because the majority of them died out millions of years ago.

How do sceintists know about the dinosaurs?

Scientists know about dinosaurs because they have got archaeologists to go around the world and dig up the ground to find the remains of dinosaurs. Many archaeologists have found the remains of dinosaurs and you can go to your local museum and nearly every museum has a dinosaur part with real dinosaurs bones and remains.

How do scientists use percentages in their work?

They are smart and know everything

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How do you get to know that dinosaurs once existed?

I know about dinosaurs from reading about them, watching documentaries, and a visit to a natural history museum to see dinosaur fossils in person. Scientists learned about dinosaurs by studying fossils, including bones, skin impressions, and footprints, and the rocks the fossils were found in.

How do you know what dinosaurs look like?

Dinosaurs are reconstructed from fossils, petrified remains, trace fossils, and comparisons with existing animals.