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Two general mechanisms are used:

  1. Solar energy (heat) boils water. The steam drives a turbine, the turbine turns an ordinary generator, which generates electric power.
  2. Solar energy illuminates photovoltaic cells, which produce electric power directly from light. Light on the silicon excites the electrons, making them move in all directions. They hit special one-way joints built into the solar panel, flow along a wire in one direction, and this is electricity.
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Q: How do solar power plants generate electricity?
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What can solar power generate?

solar power can generate electricity

Does solar power generate electricity?

yes it does

What fuel can electric power plants use as fuel?

The most common way power plants generate electricity is by burning coal. Some use"green" alternatives like solar power or wind power, but the most common is coal. There's a few out there that use nuclear power to generate electricity, but not that many.

What do solar power plants do?

the solar power plant generates electricity

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What do solar plants do?

the solar power plant generates electricity

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Because I say so

The advantage of having solar power?

Solar power uses panels to absorb the sun and store it and then generate electricity. The advantages of solar power are you save money on electricity, you stop global warming, and you help society save money. The disadvantages of solar is very simply that solar doesn't generate 24 hours a day so you have to have another source of power.

What is an advatage of using coal power over solar power to generate electricity?

coal power can be generated at night

If all the lakes dry up what can you use to generate elercity?

There are many ways to generate electricity without lakes. Some examples include solar power, wind power, nuclear power, geo-thermal power, and coal, oil, and gas powered electric plants.