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Over time, minerals are created by elements bonding together to form other solutions. Since they are underground, there is nothing disrupts the process, which gives nature enough time to let the elements bond.

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18h ago

When water containing dissolved elements or compounds seeps deep underground, changes in temperature and pressure can trigger the formation of mineral crystals through a process called precipitation. As the water evaporates or reacts with surrounding rocks, the dissolved substances are freed from the solution and start to bond together in an organized structure to create the mineral crystals. This process can take place over long periods of time, resulting in the growth of mineral deposits in the subsurface.

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Q: How do solutions of water elements and compounds that can crystallize into a mineral form deep underground?
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Do minerals form when a hot water solution cools and the minerals crystallize?

A hydrothermal solution is a very hot mixture of water and dissolved substances. Hydrothermal solutions have temperatures between 1000C and 3000C. When these solutions come into contact with existing materials, chemical reactions occur to form new materials. Also, when such solutions cool, some of the elements in them combine to form such minerals as quarts and pyrite.

What are mixtures elements and compounds composed of?

MixtureAnswer:They're more of an ecosystem. A number of independent organisms living together (People, microbes, intestinal flora and fauna, mites in the eyebrows, worms, parasites). Each organism is made of molecules containing various compounds. A lot of the traffic in food and oxygen is done by solutions (mixtures) like blood, bile, insulin, lymphatic fluids and mucous.

What do elements combine to form?

Elements combine to form compounds through chemical reactions. These compounds have different properties than their individual elements, resulting in a wide range of substances found in nature and synthesized in laboratories.

Are compounds random combinations of elements?

No, compounds are not random combinations of elements. Compounds are formed when elements chemically bond together in specific ratios to create a new substance with unique properties. The elements combine in a structured manner based on their chemical properties and bonding tendencies.

What are constituent elements of a compound?

Chemical compounds are formed from chemical elements.

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Elements and compounds leave the solutions during cooling and what as minerals?

During the process of cooling, elements and compounds in solution may crystallize out to form minerals. These minerals are solid, inorganic substances with a specific chemical composition and atomic structure. They can vary in color, shape, and physical properties depending on the elements present and the conditions under which they were formed.

Choose five solutions of compounds and chemicals and discuss how each breaks down according to the periodic table of elements.?

five solutions, compounds, and chemicals.

What are the four groups that makeup matter?

Mixtures, elements, compounds, an solutions

House plants are colloids solutions elements or compounds?

None of them. They are complex biological structures.

Are there elements in solutions?

There can be elements or compounds in solution. For instance, sodium chloride is a solution of a compound. Conversely, a solution of bromine is a solution containing an element.

How do elements relate to compounds?

Chemical compounds are formed from chemical elements.

What are the two type of substances?

Elements and compounds

What is the difference from an element from a compound?

An element is a substance made up of atoms with the same number of protons, while a compound is a substance made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together. Elements cannot be broken down further by chemical means, while compounds can be broken down into their constituent elements.

What compounds form the element gadolinium and how are they used?

Some compounds of gadolinium include gadolinium oxide, gadolinium chloride, and gadolinium nitrate. Gadolinium compounds are used in various applications, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents, in the production of specialized magnets, and in certain electronics and optical devices.

How are a solution and a substance similar?

A substance is any chemical you might have or want to test. A solution is when that substance is dissolved in water. Chemists make solutions, especially with ionic compounds, so they can break apart into their constituent components and react with something else. Water molecules, which are highly polar attract the positive and negative charges the compounds or elements that make up the ionic compound. Solutions are also good for other chemical reactions though, too.

Where are elements listed and why compounds are not found there?

Elements are listed in the periodic table, which arranges elements based on their atomic number and chemical properties. Compounds are not found in the periodic table because they are formed by combining two or more elements in specific ratios to create new substances with different properties.

How can elements be changed into compounds?

Elements become compounds after chemical reactions.