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Species survive, evolve, and create speciation by finding a niche. This means that they find an area where they are able to benefit from food, shelter, and protection from predators.

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Q: How do species survive evolve and create speciation?
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What is speciation ?

the formation of species

What happen when organisms populate a new area and are isolated geographically from other populations of the same species?

The species will eventually evolve to be similar, but not exactly like the main species.

The galapagos finch species are an excellent example of what?

Genetic isolation. This occurs when members of species that also occur on mainland areas begin to evolve slightly different habits and appearances.

How does a animal evolve?

Natural Selection (environment favours certain traits over others), genetic drift(random changes), mutations(random changes to genes, create new alleles), immigration/ emigration (introduction of foreign alleles to population) sexual selection (females favour certain traits, these males pass on genes) , speciation (formation of new species because of any of above, geographic speciation- new species-= can only breed with others from that species)

Under which condition would a new species most likely arise?

Sympatric speciation is the process through which new species evolve from a single, or are even identical, so that they occur together at least in some places.

What are 3 events that can lead up to speciation?

Isolation often leads to speciation, because as each isolated population evolves new characteristics, the separate populations eventually get DNA that is too different for the two to breed and have fertile offspring (this is the point when speciation has occurred). In the case that there is not isolation, the whole species must slowly evolve until it becomes a new species. However, here the line between where the speciation actually occurred becomes blurry, because it doesn't happen in a single generation.

How can reproductive isolation lead to speciation?

Reproductive isolation separates the reproduction of one population into two populations. Over time after generations, the two separate populations start living and reproducing differently, so they evolve into two separate species, which is speciation (also known as divergent evolution). Reproductive isolation and speciation reduces gene flow.

How the species can change?

Species can change is there is a mass extinction or if the type of species changed the type of climate or terrain which would would make the species evolve to its new environment so that it can survive.

An earthquake creates a chasm that separates a population of squirrels. The two populations of squirrels evolve into two separate species. What is the name of the process by which isolated populations?

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Imagine an earthquake creates a chasm that separates a population of squirrels The two populations of squirrels evolve into two separate species What is the name of the process by which isolated po?

cheating on study island? Speciation

What type of speciation occurs when new species arise as a result of geographic isolation?

When a certain species is divided up into two or more separate populations (geographically, for example) they continue to evolve (via natural selection) and over time the two (or more) populations will be so different from each other that they will not be able to reproduce, and will fit the criteria of different species.

What effect would a very short generation time such as bacteria have on speciation?

Well they would evolve faster, so speciation would occur faster too