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The females lay eggs in the water and let them float there, then males can come along and let sperms into the water and let them float there. Then they can mix and the egg becomes fertilized and a baby starfish is made. OR a female will lay her eggs and let them float and then another female can come and lay her eggs and they can fertilze each other making a baby starfish.

That is not correct... Sea stars reproduce asexually using the method of fragmentation, when the sea stars arm falls off and makes a new individual sea star that is genetically identical to the parrent..


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12y ago
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8y ago

they reproduce asexually, when they lose an arm it grows back and the arm grows a body

Sea stars are one of the few animals who use both, asexual and sexual reproduction. It is very unlikely for any animal to use asexual reproduction and it's very odd that an animal would be able to use both kinds of reproduction. The asexual reproduction method they use is called fragmentation which is the process of the body releasing the arm and the arm growing into a new individual sea star. The process of fragmentation is only needed if it is harmed by another animal in which case the arm has been torn off of the arm is putting the sea star in danger in which case it will be released.


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15y ago

The sea star can reproduce asexually by fragmentation.

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13y ago

i belive its how most animals have babys and then the mal sea horse has to carry the eggs around

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14y ago

any part of the sea star can reproduce as long as it is in its naturally environment

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12y ago

sexually by the sperms going to meet with an egg and asexually by ex: if a arm gets cut off it can reproduce that arm again to replace the old one.

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