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Strips of ocean-floor basalt record the polarity of earth's magnetic field at the time the rock formed. These strips form a pattern that is the same on both sides of the mid-ocean ridge. the pattern shows that ocean floor forms along mid-ocean ridges and then moves away from the ridge.

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Q: How do strip of magnetized rock on the ocean floor provide evidence of sea-floor spreading?
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What do magnetic anomalies provide evidence of?

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How does the age of rocks in the seafloor provide evidence of seafloor spreading?

Rocks in the seafloor are moving one place to another

How do magnetic bands provide evidence that tectonic plates are moving apart at mid-oceanic ridges?

Through seafloor-spreading as iron rich minerals cool they become magnetized in the direction parallel to the existing magnetic field. As the magnetic fields change direction so will the magnetized minerals, allowing scientists to record each change in the seafloor as it spreads.

How does magnetic reversals provide evidence for seafloor spreading?

Because of the stripes at the sea floor which are magnetic minerals

Is the analysis of seafoor sediments evidence of sea-floor spreading?

Not really but sea floor sediments thickness increase with increased distance from spreading centers which is good evidence. Other evidence such as magnetic reversals, temperature, dating methods provide the best evidence of seafloor spreading

What tools were used to prove seafloor spreading?

Tools such as sonar mapping, geologic sampling, and paleomagnetism studies were used to provide evidence for seafloor spreading. Sonar mapping allowed for the creation of detailed maps of the ocean floor, revealing features such as mid-ocean ridges and deep-sea trenches. Geologic sampling involved collecting rock samples from the ocean floor to study their age and composition. Paleomagnetism studies focused on analyzing the alignment of magnetic minerals in rocks, providing evidence of past changes in Earth's magnetic field that support the idea of seafloor spreading.

The magnetic particles in seafloor ridges are aligned differently in a repeating pattern How does this provide evidence for tectonic movement Why does it provide evidence?

Earth's magnetic field reverses over time; the changes show that seafloor has taken place over time.

How do magnetic reversals provide evidence for sea-for spreading?

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How are earthquake patterns used to provide evidence of sea floor spreading?

By using a siesmograph.

How sea floor spreading provide evidence for tectonic plates?

by the plate tectonic and the ocean bridges

Strips of alternating magnetic polarities found in rocks in the ocean basins?

provide evidence for sea-floor spreading

How do rocks along central valley of mid ocean ridge provide evidence of sea floor spreading?
