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surfaces that are rough provide more friction that can make athletes run faster

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Q: How do surfaces that are rough affect an athlete's performance?
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What factors affect the friction force between two surfaces?

How rough it is and how heavy it is.

How different SURFACES affect the stopping distance of a car?

Smoother surfaces make the car take longer to stop vs rough surfaces. This is because the car is not able to gain enough traction on smooth surfaces.

Is friction greater when two rough surfaces are rubbed together or two smooth surfaces?

two rough surfaces

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Reflection off of rough surfaces is called a perkokepuw.

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Lubricant are not used to dampen rough surfaces. They are used to smoothen the surfaces. They reduce friction through the slippery lubricants on the surfaces.

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rough surfaces take more energy from the system in the form of friction

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two rough surfaces :)

Is the amount of friction greater between rough surfaces or smooth and Why?

Rough surfaces, the rougher the surface, the greater the friction.

What produces more heat rough surface and a smooth or surface two smooth surfaces or two rough surfaces or two surfaces with oil between them?

two rough ones - there will be more friction xx

What types of surfaces create the most friction?

If both of the surfaces on which friction is to be created are very rough, the friction will be more. The more rough the surfaces more friction we have.

Does a rough surface have a lot of friction?

Rough surfaces do create more friction than smooth surfaces. How much friction is created depends on how rough the surface is.