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People made animals endangered by:

- Killing them excessively for food.

- Destroying their homes by deforestation for purposes like industrial purposes, housing,farming etc.

- Introduction of new/invasive species to an environment that is not native to it that causes more competition for food.

- Over exploitation (Over hunting)

- Diseases that they are not immune to.

- Environmental pollution by man.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Animals in Africa are endangered for many reasons. Mainly poaching - the illegal hunting and slaying of animals- the classic example of this is the elephant, hunted for its tusks. Another reason is forest fires, which tear through the dry bush, killing lots of animals in its rampage. When the smaller animals die, then the next animals in the food chain die, and so on and so on. Other than that, there are the huge number of droughts which suck the land of any water and that can kill all of the animals off. There has also been a case of a certain disease - I'm not sure what it is called - that infested in the animals' stomachs and when they were found, and cut open, they were writhing with maggots. All in all, animals in Africa have a tough life.

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scientists are trying to save the endangered species , by just making the people aware of the animals. scientists can save the endangered animals only if they come to know that how to make an animal from it's DNA. if this happens only if it can,,, the extinct species like the dodo can become alive again.

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Here are a few companies that help endangered animals:WWFPTESSACThey help the endangered animals by letting the out into the wild if they are in captivity. They make sure they have food and that they are kept healthy.They sometimes make a animal park and put different species in separate parts and make there surroundings look like the wild. I think there should be more companies that help endangered animals and people should kill the least amount of animals for food.

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People Dude

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