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The boys in his choir do vote for Jack to be their leader but to the rest of the boys he is just a stranger. Although Ralph is also a stranger to them he was the one who blew the conch and called them to the meeting. Because of this many of them seem to think that he is the obvious choice to be leader, as he has actually been seen to have made an attempt to organsise things.

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14y ago
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1mo ago

In "Lord of the Flies," the boys initially choose Ralph as their leader by blowing on the conch shell, a symbol of authority and order. Over time, a power struggle emerges and Jack becomes a rival leader, ultimately leading to a violent confrontation between the two factions.

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13y ago

In any society, people need someone to look to for decisions. That is just the way people are. The boys needed someone to make their decisions for them, and, when it came to it, blame things on. It also delighted them to think that they could create a society by themselves without anyone else. Having a leader is the first step to that. Eventually the boys just disintigrated into a wild mob and their leader became the person that led them on, that inspired them to do awful things. A leader is always there to give inspiration, and that can be good or bad. Just look at history. Look at Hitler. Look at Napoleon.

At least, that was how I understood it. Please add to this because sometimes this is just someone's opinion.

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11y ago

The boys choose thier chief by voting. Ralph decids that this is more fair and he gets more hands than Jack, so he is by majority, chosen as leader or in this case, Chief

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Q: How do the boys chose a leader Lord of the flies?
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In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, Ralph is elected as the leader by the group of boys stranded on the island. His democratic approach contrasts with Jack's authoritarian leadership style, leading to a power struggle between the two characters.

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That they'll die without a leader obviously. DUH!

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In "Lord of the Flies", the boys pick Ralph as their leader. He is chosen because of his charisma, sense of responsibility, and ability to bring them together in a time of crisis.

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In "Lord of the Flies," the outcome of the vote is a decision to elect Ralph as the leader of the group of boys stranded on the island. This vote represents the initial attempt to establish order and organization among the boys as they struggle to survive.

How is the leader chosen in lord of the flies?

the boys find ralph holding the conch when he blows and and elect him leader over jack. Its around page 30 in my edition.

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Lord of the Flies documents the progression of "innocent" boys into savagery.

In Lord of the Flies - what was Jack's quest?

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