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The heart pumps blood to the lungs so that you can breathe through them.AnswerThe alveoli transports oxygen from the lungs into the circulatory system. Another Answer:They work together by inhaling and exhaling . The heart pumps blood into the lungs where the blood is oxygenated. The blood is then returned to the heart and the newly oxygenated blood is circulated to the rest of the body. The respiratory system performs a process known as gas exchange that releases carbon dioxide from the body and brings in oxygen. This occurs in the lungs and the circulatory system then transports the oxygen to tissues that used internal respiration to burn fuel in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy, thus creating more carbon dioxide. More to the AnswerYou breathe in oxygen into your lungs. The oxygen diffuses across the thin walls of the alveoli in the lungs and the thin walls of the blood vessels in the lungs into the blood stream. Here it attaches to the hemoglobin molecules inside red blood cells. The red blood cells are carried by the blood vessels to all parts of the body. The hemoglobin releases oxygen in the periphery, and picks up carbon dioxide (CO2). The CO2 attached to the hemoglobin molecules in the red blood cells is then transported to the lungs, where it diffuses across the walls into the alveoli, and is breathed out. Additional InformationThe heart pumps blood into the lungs where the blood is oxygenated. The blood is then returned to the heart and the newly oxygenated blood is circulated to the rest of the body.

The respiratory system performs a process known as gas exchange that releases carbon dioxide from the body and brings in oxygen. This occurs in the lungs and the circulatory system then transports the oxygen to tissues that used internal respiration to burn fuel in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy, thus creating more carbon dioxide.

They work hand in hand to provide the tissues of the body with oxygen. The respiratory system oxygenates the blood and the circulatory system sends it to the rest of the body.
The heart works as a pump basically moving blood through the entire system to nourish the body and deliver oxygen to tissue. The heart pumps blood through the capillary vessels around the lungs so that red blood cells can pick up oxygen that has been transported across the alveolar membranes in the lungs. Maybe that a little over simplified but thats the basic idea.

Your lungs send oxygen to your heart so the blood can have oxygen in it
When you inhale, oxygen rushes into your lungs which is diffused into your bloodstream through alveoli located on the bronchioles. The heart pumps oxygenated blood throughout your body. All cells absorb oxygen which they need to live. Blood becomes deoxygenated and continues to be pumped by heart back to lungs. Deoxygenated blood also contains waste products of cells which are rid from your body when you exhale.
The lungs do not affect how the blood flows through the arteries and veins, it simply provides oxygen to the hemoglobin in the blood so that it may be carried to your organs. The heart is responsible for making sure that blood is flowing through the body's arteries and veins because it pumps it throughout the body.
The lungs pull oxygen into the body. The heart oxygenates the blood cells by pumping the blood to the lungs. Together with the arterial and venous system, the body is oxygenated.
the lungs inhale oxygen which goes to your avioli that lets the Oxygen seep into the blood and takes out the carbon dioxide so your body can function.
The heart pumps oxygen poor blood to the lungs, where the lungs infuse oxygen into the blood, and then the heart distributes the oxygen rich blood throughout the body supplying your muscles with oxygen.
The cardiovascular system works with the respiratory system to ensure that all living cells receive a constant supply of oxygen - the cardiovascular system pumps the oxygen around the body and the respiratory system allows the oxygen to enter the blood from inhaled air.

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Cassandra Carroll

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