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opossums do not have quills. You are thinking of the porcupine.

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Q: How does the opossum protect itself with its quills?
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Related questions

How does the opossums protect itself?

The opossum protect itself by playing dead.

What mammal has spines or quills to protect itself?

Porcupines have quills.

How does a blowfish protect itself?

When its frightened it puffs into a ball and the quills on its body stick out.

How does the opossum protect itself with its body parts?

Mostly , they just play dead.

What are the spikes on porcupines called?

These are called quills. They come loose and get stuck in the skin of animals that they come in contact with.

How does an opossum defenses itself?

The phrase "be opossum" expresses pretending death. This is the way how opossum defenses itself.

How does porcupines protect itself?

The porcupine protects itself from enemies by using the long, sharp quills on its back. It does not actually throw them, but pushes them into another animal to discourage it.

Why does a porcupine have quills?

It ducts its head to protect its unprotected face and underside, positions itself to where its tail is facing the foe, and backs itself into it. The quills stick in, and are hard to get out. If the quills get in the mouth, the offender might not be able to eat.

How hedgehog protect itself from other animals?

They curl up in a ball so all their quills are out and make loud hissing noises

How do quills protect the porcupine?


Why do hedgehog have Spines or quills?

First of all, they're called QUILLS! And it's to protect themselves.

What do porcupines use its quills for?

thy use their quills to protect them from any predators or anything that may become a threat to them.