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The relationship is described by Kepler's Third Law.

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Q: How do the planets periods relate to their distances from the sun?
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Related questions

What does the third law planetary motion state?

The cubes of the average distances of the planets from the sun is proportional to the squares of their periods.

What is the distances between the sun and the other planets in the solar system?

The difference is that the sun is a star, the other planets are just planets

What is the third planet closest to Earth?

The distances vary as the planets orbit the Sun. On average, the answer is Mercury.

How far apart are the planets?

It varies. The planets move in their orbits at different distances from the sun and at vaying speeds. The distances between them is constantly changing.

Are inner planets found at great distances from the sun?

yes, however as compared to the outer planets, no.

Who proposed this law that the ratio of the squares of the periods of revolution to the cubes of their average distances from the sun is the same for every one of the planets?

It was Kepler. It's Kepler's 3rd Law of Planetary motion.

Does a planets distance from the sun relate of surface found on the planets?

because the sun is far away from Pluto the planets suface would be ice i hope that helped you.

What is its distance from the sun and planets?

there are different distances such as the closest planet mercury is 58 km away from the sun.

How does a planets period of rotation differ from its period of revolution?

they have different distances from the sun

Why do the planets have distances fro the sun?

because they we're made at different times

Do planets take turns orbiting?

No. The planets all orbit the sun at the same time. The planets occupy different orbits at different distances from the sun so they do not affect one another significantly.

What is the Bode Law?

The Bode's Law is a rule that estimates distances of planets from the Sun in our solar system based on a numerical sequence. It was proposed by Johann Daniel Titius and Johann Elert Bode in the 18th century, and while it accurately predicted the positions of several planets, it is widely considered a numerical coincidence rather than a physical law.