

How do the sun and moon float?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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7y ago

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They do not actually float. The moon is constantly pulled toward Earth by gravity, but it is moving "sideways" rather quickly relative to Earth so it has quite a bit of momentum. By the time it would have fallen to Earth it has missed. This is how an orbit works. Similarly Earth orbits the sun and the sun orbits the center of the galaxy.

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You don't float in air on the moon because there is no air on the moon, and you don't float anyway. There is gravity on the moon; it is one-sixth the force of Earth's gravity, so you can jump six times higher on the moon, but you don't float weightlessly.

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The sun doesn't float because it is made of gas and fire.The sun is basically a big giant ball of gas and fire.So it is impossible for the sun to float. If you think anything else wrong!

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No. The moon is made primarily of rock.

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No. The sun is a star. The moon is a moon.

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It's possible to temporarily "float" in air for a few seconds on the moon because of the low gravity.

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