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The degree of impact varies. The weakest tornadoes generally result in minor damage such as peeled shingles and siding. Homes may be severely damaged if they are struck by falling trees. Stronger tornadoes will result in more severe damage. An EF2 tornado will tear the roof from a typical frame house and completely destroy most mobile homes. An EF4 tornado will level even well-built houses, even blowing away those that are not well anchored. An EF5 tornado will sweep away even the strongest homes, leaving an empty foundation.
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Tornadoes affect homes by damaging or destroying them.

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How do tornadoes affect people answers for kids?

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Do tornadoes affect living things?

Yes. Tornadoes very frequently destroy plants and animal habitats. Every year people lose their homes and are injured or killed by tornadoes.

Can tornadoes affect living things?

Yes. Tornadoes very frequently destroy plants and animal habitats. Every year people lose their homes and are injured or killed by tornadoes.

How do tornadoes affect the way human life is?

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Tornadoes can destroy animal habitats and killer or injure people and animals. People can lose their homes, workplaces, and other property.

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Tornadoes mainly affect human habitats by damaging and destroying homes.

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Tornadoes are not good. They destroy homes and livelihoods.

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they kill or family's some times not always they destroys are homes works hang out places it is amazing

How did the 1984 outbreak of tornadoes in North and South Carolina affect the Earth?

The 1984 Carolinas outbreak destroyed trees, homes, and places of work.

How many homes are destroyed in tornadoes?

at least 25,000 per year by tornadoes.