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The female toucan lays three to four pure white eggs, and incubates them for 15 or 16 days; both parents incubate. Newborn toucans are nidicolous, or nest-reared. The babies are blind and naked at birth, and their eyes open after about three weeks. They are helpless and unable to leave the nest for about eight weeks, dependent upon both parents to feed them.

After this, the young toucans can care for themselves. The birds begin to leave the nest after 40 to 50 days, depending on size. During this time, supplement the parents' diet with live crickets. Also, soak their kibble/softbill food in water for the entire time the chicks are being fed.

If the parents refuse to rear their young, it becomes necessary to hand raise them. This is also necessary if the owner wishes to have a tame bird. Small amounts of food should be offered; wait until the bird has completely swallowed one bite before offering another, making sure that its mouth is totally empty. Feed each baby 10 to 15 percent of its body weight per six to ten servings per day. Feed them five to seven times a day.

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Q: How do toucan take care of their young?
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