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Transcendentalists view man as inherently good and divine, possessing the ability to connect with the spiritual world through intuition and individual experience. They believe in the inherent wisdom and potential within each person, emphasizing self-reliance, independence, and the importance of following one's own beliefs and convictions.

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Q: How do transcendentalist view man?
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What was the name of the essay written by a transcendentalist in protest of the Mexican war?

The essay was named "Civil Disobedience" and it was written by Henry David Thoreau, a prominent transcendentalist, to protest the Mexican-American War and slavery.

How was Nathaniel Hawthorne a transcendentalist?

Nathaniel Hawthorne was not a transcendentalist; in fact, he was critical of transcendentalism and wrote satirical works that portrayed it in a negative light. Hawthorne's writing often focused on the darker aspects of human nature and explored themes of sin, guilt, and redemption, which are different from the optimism and idealism typically associated with transcendentalism.

Was Albert Einstein a transcendentalist?

No, Albert Einstein was not a transcendentalist. Transcendentalism was a philosophical and social movement that emerged in the 19th century, mainly in the United States, while Einstein was a physicist known for his scientific contributions, particularly in the field of theoretical physics.

Why was transcendentalist important?

Transcendentalism was important because it emphasized individualism, intuition, and the connection between humans and nature. It encouraged people to think for themselves and follow their own beliefs rather than conforming to societal norms. Transcendentalist ideas had a significant influence on American literature, philosophy, and social reform movements.

Philosophical view of man?

Philosophical views of man vary across different schools of thought. Some see man as a rational being capable of free will, moral responsibility, and self-awareness, while others view him as a product of societal influences, genetics, or divine intervention. Philosophers like Aristotle, Descartes, and Nietzsche have explored different aspects of the nature of man and his place in the universe. Ultimately, the philosophical view of man depends on one's perspective on consciousness, existence, and the purpose of life.

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dont worry im f***** too on this question.

Transcendentalist view of god?

This study would be known as theology. A recognized degree in this field would earn the title of theologian.

When was The Transcendentalist created?

The Transcendentalist was created in 1842.

What is the definition of Transcendentalist?

The definition of Transcendentalist is someone who advocates for transcendentalism. One of the most famous Transcendentalists is the transcendentalist Thoreau.

When did Charles Lane - transcendentalist - die?

Charles Lane - transcendentalist - died in 1870.

When was Charles Lane - transcendentalist - born?

Charles Lane - transcendentalist - was born in 1800.

What is taoism view of man?

taoism view of man

How do the transcendentalist beliefs still influence American life?

Transcendentalist beliefs continue to influence American life by promoting self-reliance, individualism, and a deep connection to nature. These values can be seen in movements promoting environmental conservation, personal growth, and social activism that prioritize individual experiences and perspectives. Additionally, transcendentalist ideas have shaped American literature, philosophy, and spirituality, influencing how people view the world around them.

Revolutionaries view of man?

They viewed man as view evil.

What is the duration of The Red Man's View?

The duration of The Red Man's View is 660.0 seconds.

Does the image of a transparent eyeball effectively convey the transcendentalist idea of a universal over soul?

Yes, the image of a transparent eyeball in transcendentalist philosophy symbolizes the idea of seeing beyond the physical world and connecting with a universal spirit or over soul. It suggests a clear, unobstructed view of the interconnectedness of all things and the presence of a higher, collective consciousness.