

How do tree leaves give us oxygen?

Updated: 6/15/2024
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12y ago

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the leaves got vitamins to be honest i don't know if this is true I'm lying to u because i don't care about you

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1mo ago

Tree leaves perform photosynthesis, a process where they absorb carbon dioxide from the air, water from the ground, and sunlight to produce oxygen. This oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a byproduct, which we then inhale for respiration. In this way, tree leaves play an essential role in providing us with the oxygen we need to breathe.

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What does the rubber tree give us?

The rubber tree produces latex, which is used to make rubber. Rubber is utilized in a variety of products such as tires, gloves, and footwear. Additionally, the rubber tree is a popular houseplant known for its attractive foliage.

How does oxygen exit a leaf?

Oxygen leaves the leaf because it is actually useless to the plant. We breathe in oxygen, because we need it to survive, and we breathe out carbon monoxide, which is contained in our cells but is harmful to us. Plants work together with us - as we breathe out the carbon monoxide, they take it in because they need it, and in return they let out oxygen, which we need.

What are the functions of the tree branch?

Tree branches serve several functions, including supporting leaves for photosynthesis, providing a platform for fruits and seeds, transporting water and nutrients from the roots to other parts of the tree, and offering structural support to the tree by helping distribute its weight.

What is the openings on leaves that let gases in and out of leaves are called?

Plants breath through stomates. they are microscopic openings covering the leaves that open and close bringing in CO2 and out oxygen. This gives us 29 percent of our oxygen while the other percentage (71) is from phytoplankton

What do trees breathe out and in?

Trees breathe in carbon dioxide through tiny pores in their leaves called stomata. Through the process of photosynthesis, they convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Trees release oxygen back into the atmosphere as a byproduct of photosynthesis.

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yes or they are dead. the leaves give us oxygen. unless if its a new tree plants need leaves

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What part of the tree takes in the CO2?

The leaves are the one who get carbon dioxide but, the leaves also make oxygen for us to breathe.

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So we won't have to cut down trees for the leaves, and leaves give us oxygen, and we NEED oxygen!!

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Aquatic plants absorb toxic metals and leaves absorb dirty gases.Plants also give us oxygen.

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Forests have tree's that give us oxygen and if we cut them down we will get rid of a major percentage of our oxygen plus deforestation leads to an increase of deserts.

What do people use tree for?

Lumber=Jobs Research Grade 6 science. Tree's are used for wood, paper, pencils, etc. Tree's give off oxygen for us to breathe. Without tree's we would not be here since there would be no oxygen

What is trees plantation?

tree plantation is a big area that focuses on planting trees. IT is a good place for the environment and for us because they give out oxygen and we need oxygen to survive.

What are some benefits of trees?

Trees are very important. They give us oxygen. Human beings cannot live with out it. They are home to many animals. We get eatables from them. They hold the soil which helps in soil conservation. Paper is also made from it. Some useful medicines are also made from tree leaves. Tree help in bringing the rain. Furniture is also made from tree's wood.

Will people be able to survive without trees?

no because tree give us oxygen which we need and the absorb carbon dioxide which is bad for humans.

How or where does a tree get oxygen to give us?

Trees get oxygen through a process called photosynthesis, where they take in carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil, and convert it into oxygen and glucose using sunlight. This oxygen is then released into the atmosphere, which we breathe in.

What do plants give off that helps us breathe?

co2( carbon dioxide) is absorbed by the leaves' cells of the plant, it uses it as energy, and it releases o2( oxygen )