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Dissolution of the limestone by rain & snow-melt water slightly acidified by absorbed atmospheric carbon dioxide. It oozes through the rock's joints, bedding-planes & other discontinuities from surface to rising (spring). Eventually these initial micro-conduits start to coalescence and develop discrete passages.

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Q: How do underground limestone caves form?
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What are the caves formed underground?

Caves are typically formed from a combination of natural processes such as erosion by water, chemical weathering, and the dissolving of rock formations like limestone and dolomite. Over time, these processes create underground cavities and passages that can develop into complex cave systems.

How does limestone caves are formed?

Limestone caves are formed through a process called karstification, where rainwater picks up carbon dioxide from the air and soil, creating a weak carbonic acid. This acidic water dissolves the limestone rock over time, creating underground cavities and passages. As the water drains away, it leaves behind caves and unique formations such as stalactites and stalagmites.

Can Erosions happens underground?

Yes, this is what forms sinkholes, and limestone caves.

How does a acid cave form?

Limestone is the rock that is in Caves. When carbonate acid is reacted to the limestone in the caves, it will corrode forming strange caves landforms.

In geography what are stalagmites?

In areas where the rocks are made of limestone, water will dissolve the limestone and form underground caves. In these caves water containing dissolved limestone will drip from the roof. As the drips form some of the water evaporates and limestone is deposited out of solution. Thus, from where the drips are occurring and on the floor below, pilers start to form, the pilers on the floor are called 'stalagmites' and the pilers hanging from the roof are called 'stalactites'.

What chemical compounds form caves?

by limestone

Caves most commonly form in?

Caves most commonly form in areas with limestone or other soluble rocks that are easily eroded by water. The process of cave formation typically involves the dissolution of rock by acidic groundwater, creating underground voids. Over time, these voids can develop into large cave systems through ongoing erosion and geological processes.

What is Land underlain by limestone that is honeycombed with sinkholes underground streams and caves is called?

a karst

What can create underground caves and form stalactites and stalagmites?

Water, erosion, and time. Limestone is a common rock that these geologic structures form in because of it's relative softness.

What rock is eroded to form caves?

Mainly limestone.

What forms when limestone found in the earth has been eatin away?

When limestone is eaten away, it forms various features such as sinkholes, caves, and underground tunnels. This process occurs due to the dissolution of the limestone by acidic groundwater. The result is the creation of unique and sometimes expansive underground landscapes.