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The orbits were first introduced in Bohr's theory. According to it, orbits were circular paths for electrons, around the nucleus. It is two dimensional.

On the contrary, the orbitals deals with the Shrodinger's Wave Equation. They show a probable three dimensional space where a particular electron can exist around the nucleus. Further, the shapes of the orbitals are determined from the solutions of the equation.

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How does bohrs model differ from todays?

Bohr's atomic model depicts the electron shells and orbitals as being two dimensional, staying the exact same distance away from the nucleus the entire time. Today, we know that electron orbits are three dimensional, and at best can only say where the electron in a given orbital is most likely to be at any given time, except for the f orbitals, as no one really knows for sure what those look like yet.

what did bohrs model of the atom include that rutherfords model did not have?

Niels Bohr introduced the notion of electronic orbits.

What is Bohr atomic model name?

Neil Bohrs atomic model is simply called Bohrs model. It states that electrons have a certain amount of energy, so they must follow certain orbits. This is different from the modern atomic model.

How does the quantum-mechanical model differ from Bohrs model?

Bohr's model explains how electron transitions cause hydrogen's atomic emission spectra. The quantum model is a 3-d view of the atom, which shows an electron's energy levels and sublevels and the probability of an electron's location, proven with complex mathematics.

bohrs momentum value?

Assuming circular orbits, Bohr proposed that the angular momentum L of an electron in its orbit is quantized, that is, it has only specific, discrete values. The value for L is given by the formula L=mevrn=nh2π(n=1,2,3,…)

Bohrs atomic theory?

Niels Bohr devised the Bohr model, which depicts the atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that travel in circular orbits around the nucleus, with electrostatic forces providing attraction.

What was niel bohrs discovery?

The Bohr model!

What is the nickname for bohrs model of atoms?

the planetary model

Did niels bohr's atom model have a cloud of positive charge?

yes, they are depicted by a red subatomic particle.

How was bohrs atomic model similar to Rutherford's model?


Why was bohrs model accepted widely?

yep- pretty sure

What is bohrs postulates?

1. Electrons orbit the nucleus. They are held in orbit by an electrostatic force.2. Electrons can only be in certain, permitted orbits and an electron does not emit radiation when it is in one of these orbits.3. An electron only emits radiation when it "falls" from a higher energy state to a lower state.4. The radii of the allowed orbits are also quantized - each energy state has a specific radius proportional to h/2Ï€.5.Angular momentum of electron will be mvr = nh/2Ï€,n is principle quantum no.