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Formal: comment vous appelez vous ? / Quel est votre nom ?

Informal: comment t'appelles-tu ? / Quel est ton nom ?

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Q: How do we say what is your name in french word?
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How do you say the word name in french?


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Its Lego-its not a word, its the name of the product:)

How do you say the word I in french?

To say the word "I" in French, one would say "je."

How do you say the word he in french?

In French, the word "he" is Il.

How do you say the word on in french?

In French, the word on is sur.

How do you say the word say in french?

The verb 'to say' is 'dire' in French.

How do the French say my name is?

Je m' how you say my name French.

How do you say kieren in french?

ifyou mean the name, it will stay the same. If not well....there is no such word.

How do you say enthusiastic in french?

To say the word enthusiastic in French you say the word enthousiaste. In the Italian language this word is said as entusiasta.

How do you say the word incredible in french?

you say it in a french accent

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it's a name related to a country in English we say this country name by : Malagasy

How do you say the word with in French?

"With" in French is "Avec".