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Q: How do we use the Earths heat by capturing geothermal energy?
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What is energy from heat in earths interior?

Geothermal Energy

What means earths heat?

Geothermal energy.

Heat energy generated within the earth is called what?

my answer is the heat energy is magmaThe heat energy in earths crust is geothermal energy

Were does geothermal energy come from?

it comes from earths interior heat

What is the intense heat from earths core called?

geothermal energy because geothermal energy is energy that comes from deep inside the earth

A short answer to why is geothermal a renewable resource?

Geothermal energy is renewable because it is using heat for the earths "core" and water (turned to steam by the heat) to power steam turbines. Both the heat and water are renewable resources thus geothermal energy is renewable.

What are the positive effects when trying to get geothermal energy?

Geothermal is heat energy obtained from below the earths surface. Once the infrastructure is setup to obtain this energy and convert it for use as heat or electrical energy, getting the energy is practically free.

Which energy source uses water that is naturally heated by the earths internal heat?

Geothermal Energythe term for deriving electricity from the heat of the earth is "Geothermal" (literally geo = earth and thermal = heat). Iceland gets a huge portion of its electricity from geothermal energy

What form of energy is the energy of the future and why?

geothermal energy, why? because geothermal energy runs off of the earths heat and does not take heat away from the earth it will never stop giving of energy win or no wind rain or no rain water or no water

Where does geothermal energy get the heat required to produce energy?

i am not sure but i think the drive some kind of tubing deep into the earth and use the heat from the earths core

What dose geothermal mean?

Earths heat

What energy source of heat that is generated below the earths surface?

Most of this energy is released during the decay of radioactive isotopes. To a lesser extent, this is residual heat, from the formation of Earth - gradually released as Earth's interior solidifies.