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Mix a cup of white vinegar and a cup of water, then pour directly on the urine stain, leave for about 10 to 30 minutes, then rinse out with cold water and take it out to dry. This should take care of the urine smell, well until next time.

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Will amonia kill dog urine smell in a dog pen?

I imagine to would but there are other products on the market that will do the same thing. Nature's Miracle will remove the smell out of the crate. It will also remove stains out of carpet of pet urine.

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Wash the floor with a 50/50 mixture of vinegar & water. As the floor dries, the vinegar smell will dissipate along with the smell of urine.

How do you remove cat urine from a car seat?

You can remove cat urine from your car seat by applying a product called D-Molish. D-Molish actually neutralizes the urine smell, it will be totally gone!

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A fruity urine smell is normally indicative of diabetes. The fruity smell is attributed to the presence of ketones in urine.

How do you clean a urine-soaked couch?

Clean the couch with a mixture of vinegar and Pine Sol. That should remove the smell and the stain. D-Molish Now also does a great job of removing the smell and the soaked urine.

How do you remove the smell of urine from fabric?

wash it first than febreeze it than mabye was it again with resolve

How do you get the smell of cat urine out of furniture?

To remove cat urine odor from your furniture, you need to a product called NI-712. NI-712 does not just cover up the odor, it eliminates it by attacking the molecular structure of the urine. NI-712 will remove your cat urine problems.

Why does your urine smell like urine?

Because urine has urine in it.

Can cabbage cause a urine smell?

Yes cabbage can cause a urine smell.

Can the smell of human urine damage your health?

The smell of urine can not damage your health.