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There is no way to ONLY encounter fire pokemon, there are places where there is a high rate to catch fire pokemon. But there is no place where you can only catch fire pokemon.

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u cant

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Q: How do you attract only fire type Pokemon?
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What Pokemon ability can attract fire Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

i have never heard of such an ability, so i dont think you can. ___________________________________________________ attract ~MetalUmbreon the ability static atracts the electric type... and another magnet like ability attracts steel type too. hopefull there will be some fire or other type to have thes effects Homicide_Complex

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Reshiram is a Dragon- and Fire-Type Pokemon, which no other Pokemon has the same combination. Reshiram is the only Fire-Type that isn't weak to Water-Type Pokemon. Reshiram has the highest Special Attack of ALL Fire-Type Pokemon.

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chimcher is the only one i know.

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an electric pokemon have a static ability can attract a electric pokemon.

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Chimchar Monferno Infernape Ponyta Rapidash These are the the only Fire-type Pokemon found in Sinnoh

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You only can learn flamethrower if you have a fire-type pokemon. Look for TM35.

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The only type of pokemon that can't breed in fire red are legendary pokemons.

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Only one type really dominates this Steel/Bug type. FIRE! A good Fire type will do the trick.

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The Pokemon Houndour is Fire

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Torchic is a fire type of Pokemon. The only way to get one of them in Pokemon Pearl version is to trade it.

What can fire type Pokemon beat?

Fire type is very good against steel and fire types, please come to me if you have any more questions about Pokemon types. Fire type is indeed very good vs steel and also vs grass, ice and bug type Pokemon. It can win against fighting, electric, poison, flying, dark, ghost and normal-type Pokemon. It is not very good vs pure rock, water, dragon or fire-type Pokemon (it only does half the damage vs fire-type, which is good defensively, but not offensively).