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Q: How do you calculate outside diameter of a steel coil?
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How do you calculate circumference of steel coil?

you have to measure the diameter of the coil and then multiply the diamter by pi

How do you calculate the outside diameter of a steel coil based on the weight width and inside diameter?

You're essentially trying to calculate the diameter of a cylinder with a hole in the middle. There are two formulas for volume which you need. Volume= Pi * r2 * h (where Pi=3.142, r = radius of the coil, h = width of the coil) Volume= Weight/Density Since both these formula equal Volume: Weight/Density= Pi * r2 * h Since the weight you have is for a cylinder with a hole in it, you need to calculate the volume of the whole cylinder (without the hole) and subtract the volume of the hole. So for a steel coil Weight/Density = (Pi * rc2 * h)-(Pi * rh2 * h) where rc= the radius of the coil and rh = the radius of the hole (Radius=diameter/2) you're trying to calculate the radius of the coil, so rearrange the formula to get: ((Weight/Density)/Pi*h) + rh2 = rc2 The diameter of the coil = 2 *rc NOTE:- It's important to keep your units of measure consistent throughout the calculation. Density is generally represented by kilograms per cubic metre (kg/m3) - for us metric users ;-) Therefore keep your coil weight in kgs and your radius / width measures in metres.

How do you calculate the length of the steel coil if galvanized steel coil's weight is 2.5 ton width is 125mm and thickness 0.8mm what is the length and what is the formula to calculate?

kg = 6.16546 x width mm x OD2 x bore2 ---- 1000000

Why is there steel coil around the outside of the brake tube?

It is put there to help prevent wear from vibration.

How do I Calculate linear footage of A steel coil?

Weight divided by 3.399, divided by gauge. Divided by width.

How do you find the length of a coil of wire without unraveling it?

You can use the formula for the length of a helix: length = (number of turns) x (coil diameter) x (π). Count the number of turns in the coil, measure the outer diameter of the coil, and use these values in the formula to calculate the approximate length of the wire.

How do you calculate the length of the steel coil if PPGL coil's weight is 2.5 ton width is 914mm and thickness 0.47mm what is the length and what is the formula to calculate?

density=mass/volume 7.850=2500kg/(0.47*L*0.914) Ravindra

What is the formula to calculate volume of steel coil?

0.7854*r*r*h where r- radius of coil h is height of coil for 3" coil volume is 0.7854*1.5*1.5*2.54*2.54*1.7/10000=2lts

How does the diameter of wire coil affect the amount of electricity?

The diameter of the coil affects the amount of electricity as longer the coil longer the electricity.

How does diameter of spring coil affect the force constant?

The diameter of a spring coil does not directly affect the force constant of the spring. The force constant is primarily determined by the material of the spring and the number of coils. However, a larger diameter may result in a softer spring with more flexibility.

What is difference between solenoid and coil?

A solenoid is a device that typically consists of a coil of wire that generates a magnetic field when an electric current passes through it. A coil, on the other hand, is simply a length of wire wound into a series of loops. A solenoid is specifically designed to create a magnetic field for a specific purpose, whereas a coil may have various applications beyond generating a magnetic field.

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