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Molarity of products divided by reactants


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8y ago

The Keq is a ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants at equilibrium. So, one way to determine it would be to measure the concentrations of all species at equilibrium (when concentrations are no longer changing). aA + bB <--> cC + dD and Keq = [A]^a[B] ^b/[C]^c[D]^d

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9y ago

There is no answer here so why the heck even try to comment

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Henry Cervantes

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4y ago
molarity of products are divided

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13y ago


these measurements must be taken at saturation of course.

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7y ago

The equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction is determined experimentally or by computational methods.

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Q: How is the equilibrium constant of a reaction determined?
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Does taking water out of an equilibrium reaction change the equilibrium constant?

No, removing water from an equilibrium reaction does not change the equilibrium constant. The equilibrium constant is determined by the stoichiometry of the reaction and temperature, not by the presence or absence of water.

What can you calculate if you know the concentration of a reaction's products and reactants as well as the coefficients of each in the balanced equation?

You can calculate the equilibrium constant (Kc) of the reaction. This constant gives you information about the extent of the reaction at equilibrium and helps predict the direction in which a reaction will proceed.

What does the equilibrium constant tell you?

The equilibrium constant (K) indicates the relative amounts of reactants and products at equilibrium in a chemical reaction. Specifically, it shows the ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations when the reaction has reached equilibrium. A large equilibrium constant suggests the reaction favors products, while a small equilibrium constant indicates a preference for reactants.

The equilibruim constant is the ratio of product concentration to reactant concentration at equilibruim A reaction will likely go to completion if the equilibrium constant?

If the equilibrium constant is much greater than 1, the reaction is likely to go to completion because the products are favored at equilibrium. Conversely, if the equilibrium constant is much less than 1, the reaction may not go to completion as the reactants are favored at equilibrium.

How can you solve stability constant?

Stability constants can be determined experimentally by measuring the equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products in a complex equilibrium reaction. These data are then used to calculate the stability constant using equilibrium constant expressions. Alternatively, software programs like SQUAD or Hyperquad can be used to analyze and calculate stability constants based on experimental data.

Related questions

How was the equilibrium constant of a reaction determined?

The equilibrium constant of a reaction is typically determined experimentally by measuring the concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium, and then applying the law of mass action to calculate the constant. Alternatively, the equilibrium constant can also be calculated from thermodynamic data using the relationship between free energy change and equilibrium constant.

If a reactant rather than a product would be colored could an equilibrium constant be calculated for a specific reaction stoichiometry?

Yes, you can calculate an equilibrium constant for a reaction involving a colored reactant. As long as the reaction is at equilibrium, the equilibrium constant can be determined using the concentrations of reactants and products. The color of a reactant does not prevent the calculation of an equilibrium constant.

Does taking water out of an equilibrium reaction change the equilibrium constant?

No, removing water from an equilibrium reaction does not change the equilibrium constant. The equilibrium constant is determined by the stoichiometry of the reaction and temperature, not by the presence or absence of water.

What is the value of the equilibrium constant at 25 and degC for the reaction between Cr(s) and Cu2 plus (aq)?

The equilibrium constant for the reaction between Cr(s) and Cu2+ (aq) cannot be determined without knowing the specific reaction equation. The equilibrium constant (K) is a unique value for each specific reaction at a given temperature.

Why is the equilibrium constant independent of wavelength?

The equilibrium constant is independent of wavelength because it represents the balance of reactants and products in a chemical reaction, which is determined by the thermodynamics of the reaction and not by the specific wavelength of light that may be used to drive the reaction. The equilibrium constant is dependent on temperature, pressure, and concentrations of reactants and products, but not on the wavelength of light.

Is it true that a change in pressure may affect the equilibrium position but has no effect on the equilibrium constant?

Yes, a change in pressure may affect the equilibrium position by shifting the reaction towards the side with more moles of gas to relieve the pressure change, but it has no effect on the equilibrium constant because the equilibrium constant is determined solely by the reaction's intrinsic properties.

What is used to describe the conditions of a reaction at equilibrium?

The equilibrium constant (K) is used to describe the conditions of a reaction at equilibrium. It provides information about the relative concentrations of products and reactants at equilibrium.

How can the magnitude of an equilibrium constant indicate the extent of a reaction?

The magnitude of the equilibrium constant indicates the position of equilibrium for a reaction. A larger equilibrium constant suggests that the reaction favors the formation of products, while a smaller equilibrium constant indicates that the reaction favors the formation of reactants. The magnitude can therefore give insight into how much product is formed at equilibrium compared to reactants.

If the temperature of a reaction increases what happens to the value of the equilibruim constant?

If the temperature of a reaction increases, the value of the equilibrium constant can either increase or decrease depending on whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic. For an endothermic reaction, the equilibrium constant will increase with temperature, while for an exothermic reaction, the equilibrium constant will decrease with temperature.

Does a large equilibrium constant mean that the reaction must be rapid?

Not necessarily. The equilibrium constant (K) quantifies the extent of a reaction at equilibrium, but it does not directly correlate to the rate of reaction. A large equilibrium constant indicates that the reaction favors the products at equilibrium, but the rate of the reaction depends on factors such as concentration, temperature, and catalysts.

What can you calculate if you know the concentration of a reaction's products and reactants as well as the coefficients of each in the balanced equation?

You can calculate the equilibrium constant (Kc) of the reaction. This constant gives you information about the extent of the reaction at equilibrium and helps predict the direction in which a reaction will proceed.

What is used to describe the conditions of a reaction to equilibrium?

An equilibrium constant