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First, we want to set up a recurrence relation. If we consider the best-case for the quicksort, that is, that each partition splits the collection in 1/2 (not a valid assumption), then (look at a recursive quicksort algorithm):

The partition requires about n comparisons. It is then left to sort 2 collections of size n/2. So:

T(n) = 2*T(n/2) + n

Use repeated substitution, or the "master theorem" or whatever it's called, a generalisation of closed forms, or draw a tree, or use the accounting method, or guess at the answer, prove it by induction.

Now, we need to consider the worst case. The partition still costs the same (about n comparisons), but the partition didn't yield 2 nice-sized sub-collections to sort. Instead, we have a single sub-array to sort, of size n-1 . So now the recurrence relation looks like:

T(n) = T(n-1) + n

Solve this in your favorite way.

Now, on average, how good is your algorithm? That depends on how well you choose your pivot. You can do some reasoning, or, you can run some nice experiments.

Have fun.

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What is quicksort?

Quicksort is a popular algorithm to sort items in software, aiming at completion in the smallest number of steps (shortest time) possible.

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Linked lists are not ideally suited to the quicksort algorithm because linked lists do not provide constant-time random access. The most efficient means of implementing quicksort upon a list is to move all the elements to an array, sort the array using quicksort, then move the elements back into a list. This increases the complexity by O(n*2), which is costly, but is more than compensated for by the improved efficiency of sorting an array.

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By understanding the time and space complexities of sorting algorithms, you will better understand how a particular algorithm will scale with increased data to sort. * Bubble sort is O(N2). The number of Ops should come out <= 512 * 512 = 262144 * Quicksort is O(2N log N) on the average but can degenerate to (N2)/2 in the worst case (try the ordered data set on quicksort). Quicksort is recursive and needs a lot of stack space. * Shell sort (named for Mr. Shell) is less than O(N4/3) for this implementation. Shell sort is iterative and doesn't require much extra memory. * Merge sort is O( N log N) for all data sets, so while it is slower than the best case for quicksort, it doesn't have degenerate cases. It needs additional storage equal to the size of the input array and it is recursive so it needs stack space. * Heap sort is guaranteed to be O(N log N), doesn't degenerate like quicksort and doesn't use extra memory like mergesort, but its implementation has more operations so on average its not as good as quicksort.

How do you calculate time and space complexity?

you can find an example in this link luck

Worst case of Quicksort algorithm?

The worst case occurs when data is already sorted where the complexity is O(n^2) instead of the well known O(n log n)

Can you calculate the complexity of a problem using computational techniques?

You can calculate the complexity of a problem using computational techniques on websites like Pages and Shodor. Both websites offer free tools, which can be used to calculate the complexity of a problem using computational techniques.

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