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If you click on the chart and then right-click on the mouse and pick Chart Type and then choose the column chart you want.

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Q: How do you change a line chart to a column chart?
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Why would you use a line chart instead of a column chart?

You use a line chart to show changes over time, for the same value. The line goes up or down, depending on the change over time. A column chart is more commonly used to compare independent values.

What does x-axis mean on spreadsheets?

The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.The X-axis is found on some charts. It is the line that goes across the bottom of a chart like a line chart or bar chart or column chart or an XY chart.

How do you change a column chart ao a pie chart?

Not all column charts can be converted to pie charts. It can only be done if the column chart has a single series, as a pie chart can only have one series. If the column chart has more than one series, only one series will be shown when it becomes a pie chart. If the column chart has a single series then going to the Chart menu and choosing Chart type will enable you to change it.

How do you get the bar graph chart on Excel become vertical?

Change the chart type to be a Column Chart.

What type of chart displays a column and line chart using different scales of measurement?


Is the vertical line on the left side of column chart?

It is the vertical line of the y axis

Which of the following shows a trend during a period of time as indicated by a rising or falling line bar chart line chart column chart and pie chart?

If you read through the names of the charts, only one of them has the word "line" in it. It is kind of obvious that the answer is a line chart!

How you can insert chart column?

To insert a new column chart, select your data. In the Charts group on the Insert tab, you can choose a column chart from the different types of charts available. To insert a new column in an existing chart, you need to change the data series. In the Select Data option, you can insert a new set of data which will create a new column in your chart.

What type of graph would you use to show comparisons?

Bar charts are good for comparing related items. Answer: for Excel it is best known as a column chart.

When Excel is installed the default chart type for a PowerPoint slide is what chart?

A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.

What is a combination chart?

Thecombination chartis a visualization that combines the features of the bar chart and the line chart.In chemistry periodic table is one of the best example of combination chart.

Is a bar chart a sparkline?

No. A sparkline is a chart confined to a single cell. There is a column chart form of sparkline and also a line chart form, but not a bar chart form. A bar chart is a chart with horizontal bars and is one of the standard types of chart available in Excel.