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Well it is very difficult to clean methadone out of your system quickly because it is a deep tissue chemical opiate. Depending on how much methadone you have taken and the duration it will take at least 1-2 weeks for lower doses and durations, but as long as 1-2 months for high doses and durations and the effects of methadone mentally and physically can lasst years. But the quickest way to rid your body of methadone(and most other chemicals) is to just drink alot of water and urinate frequently. There are many body detoxifying remedies at your local GNC but, trustme, it is not a pleasant thing to detoxify your body. Even if you use these remedies there is no guarantee that the methadone will be out of your system in under a week, but that is your best bet.

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11y ago

The way that i am doing is ween your self by taking less methadone over time to take enough .I went from 100 mg down to 20 Withdrawl symptoms are under control.

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Q: How do you cleanse your system of methadone?
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Can you test for the level of methadone someone has in their system?

Yes, methadone levels can be determined by laboratories upon request.

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Does methadone show up in your system the same as hydrocodone?

No. Hydrocodone will test as an opiate. When drug testing they have to specifially test you for Methadone. Methadone shows up as Methadone. Like codiene, vicodin, lortab are opiates. Valuim, Xanax, Ativan are benzo's. butabutal (fiorcet) is a barbituate. Methadone is Methadone.