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None, since there can be no conversion. A cubit = 1.5 feet so a cubit foot (= 1.5 square feet) is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space. Energy is measured in terms of BTU per unit of volume or mass, not of area. So "BTU per standard cubit fet" is a nonsense unit.

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Q: How do you convert BTU per standard cubit feet to Kilo joule per Kg?
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A Joule is a Watt-second. 2 kilo-watt-hours are 2 x 1000 x 3600 watt-seconds (since kilo means 1000, and an hour has 3600 seconds).A Joule is a Watt-second. 2 kilo-watt-hours are 2 x 1000 x 3600 watt-seconds (since kilo means 1000, and an hour has 3600 seconds).A Joule is a Watt-second. 2 kilo-watt-hours are 2 x 1000 x 3600 watt-seconds (since kilo means 1000, and an hour has 3600 seconds).A Joule is a Watt-second. 2 kilo-watt-hours are 2 x 1000 x 3600 watt-seconds (since kilo means 1000, and an hour has 3600 seconds).

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