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Multiply by 16.

ANSWER: The answer is bcd 11 = 3 111 = 7 1111 i= F

01111 =E and so foirth

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Q: How do you convert bcd to ascii hex code?
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How to Convert hex to bcd through an assembly program?

check this link for the code: The conversion is simple really a group of FOUR bits are usually the best method to simplify a BCD of four bits in hexadecimal. Example 1111 is just written F If it was written in octal the bits will be 3 as 111 or 7. As BCD becomes longer and longer these two methods were used to simplify the code a128 bits in BCD will be 8 zeros and ones or simply FF in octal notation it becomes 277

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An easy way to convert from binary to dec and to hex is to use the ASCII chart. It has listings for every command and symbol a computer will recognize.

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The password character is usually an asterisk. ASCII code 42 (hex:2a).

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The ASCII HEX Encoded/Binary String method of obfuscation has been very popular, although there are new methods that have been suggested. By using the ASCII HEX Encoded/Binary String method, the resulting code injection is difficult to identify as a threat.

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Lowercase z is 122 decimal, 7a hex and 1111010 binary.

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In code, you'd actually do something like so: '\n'. Actually, the ASCII code of the Line Feed is 10 (0A hex), and the code of the Carriage Return is 13 (0D hex).

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Binary for the decimal number 2 is 10 (or 0000 0010 if you want it as a byte value) ASCII code for the decimal number 2 is 50 (Dec), 34 (Hex), 062 (Oct), 0011 0010 (Bin)

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There is no ASCII value of :-) ASCII encodes only single characters, assigning a numerical 0-127 value to each character. However, if you want the ASCII encoding of a smiley, here's some samples (using Hex values): :-) 0x3A2D29 :) 0x3A29

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The space character in ASCII is CHR(32), so in HEX, that would be 0x20