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Q: How do you convert radiation heat to electricity?
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Can solar panels make electricity and heat?

Yes they can. Solar panels convert radiation from the sun into usable electricity. They electricity can then be converted into heat

How is solar energy transferred?

Solar energy is radiation that comes from the sun. It can generate electricity and produce heat. They convert solar radiation into electricity.

Is it possible for a toaster to convert light energy to heat energy if not what energy would it convert?

A toaster takes in electricity from some power source, then it uses this electricity to heat coils within the toaster. The coils get very hot, and emit heat in the form of electromagnetic radiation (light). The bread/bagel/sock that you put into the toaster absorbs this radiation and gets hot.

How is solar energy used to create electricity?

Well, solar energy is harnessed as infared radiation, inso heating the earth's crust. Heat itself is a form of energy, so the solar cells simply convert heat to electricity.

Can copper convert heat into electricity?

yes the heat can be slightly incosistently converted into electricity.

What are the energy transformations occurring in a filament lamp?

Electricity to heat, then black body radiation (i.e. heat to light [e-m radiation]).

What are the 4 ways in which heat is produced?

Sunlight, Convection, Radiation, Electricity.

How do solar cells convert heat into energy?

I'm sorry, but they do not. The convert light waves into electricity. Heat impedes the process.

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Does an iron wire convert heat to electrical energy?

Iron wire is a conductor of heat/electricity only and it is impossible to convert heat to electrical energy by using it.

What energy can be used directly to heat space or convert to electricity.?


What is the role of radiation in the operation of a nuclear reactor?

Radiation releases large amounts of heat. The heat boils water, which turns turbines connected to generators. Electricity is thus made.