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Q: How do you create a drop-down list with jsp?
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How do I put a dropdown list inside a prompt box using Javascript?

not posiible

Which item displays as a dropdown but does not allow for the enduser to edit the choice selection?

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Describe jsp processing?

JSPs are converted to servlets before the container runs them. This is actually cool because you don't need hardcore java programming skills to create a JSP page whereas you'll need them to write a servlet. Moreover, all you'll need to write a JSP is some expertise in creating HTML files and in using JavaScript. You can create front-end JSP pages without having much expertise in Java at all. Although JSP reduces the required skill level, JSP becomes a servlet, with the nice performance and portability benefits.

Can you create a database with only a form?

Yes , you can create a database using a form . But you have to do two things First make a form in html or jsp whatever you like. Then Connect the form to database using java database connectivity.Yes, we can create database with a form. First create a form using html or jsp then we can connect it to database using JDBC.

Is it possible to call a stored procedure from java script function and populate an aspnet dropdown list HTML control using the value returned by the SP?

No, a stored procedure can not be called from Javascript. A dropdown list however can be populated using a stored procedure.

What are jsp actions?

JSP actions are XML tags that direct the server to use existing components or control the behavior of the JSP engine. JSP Actions consist of a typical (XML-based) prefix of "jsp" followed by a colon, followed by the action name followed by one or more attribute parameters. There are six JSP Actions: < jsp : include / > < jsp : forward / > < jsp : plugin / > < jsp : usebean / > < jsp : setProperty / > < jsp : getProperty / >

-------------- is a tool that helps program to create web applications that access databases?

.net JSP cold fusion ASP